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Christmas Concert - Saturday 2 December 2023

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Christmas Concert

Saturday 2 December 2023, 7.30pm

All Saints Church, Fleet

Conductor: Roy Rashbrook

Hart Voices is absolutely delighted to be returning to All Saints Church this year to present its Christmas Concert on Saturday 2nd December 2023 at 7.30pm.  


It is a very special occasion for the choir to be returning to the newly rebuilt All Saints Church for their first concert in the church since 2015, with a joyous selection of Advent and Christmas carols and an assortment of lighter, well-known Christmas songs to celebrate the festive season, conducted by Hart Voices’ Musical Director, Roy Rashbrook (who is also a member of St Paul’s Cathedral Choir).


You will also enjoy some refreshments and mince pies during the interval (included in the ticket price) and on the night, there will be a retiring collection made for the All Saints Rebuild Fund. 


The choir would be absolutely delighted to welcome you to the concert and hope that you will be eager to come along and support Hart Voices as they recommence their regular concert programme at All Saints. 

Get your tickets before they sell out!

Tickets: £18 (Under 16s: £5)
On sale now at:

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"Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memory." Oscar Wilde

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